Virtual Breakfast 21-Nov-2020

The PAPA System held it’s eighth virtual meeting on Saturday Nov 21st, 2020. The meeting was dubbed a virtual brunch and was kicked off at 10:00 AM by David KK6M, for the 75 attendees present.

Virtual meetings may not compete with the benefits of the long standing in-person PAPA breakfasts and luncheons but they are starting to hold their own as virtual meetings offer their own unique benefits.

Beyond the obvious such as everyone from everywhere being able to attend without driving long distances the virtual aspect of this meeting allowed a presentation on the PAPA System.

Some aspects of PAPA virtual meetings are easily recognizable, mirroring physical meetings. These include introductions and updates on the PAPA System by Cecil, WD6FZA, and even a virtual parking lot following meeting adjournment following in the age old ham tradition of taking conversations to the parking lot.

Unique offerings made possible through the web conference included interactive polls, an online chat, and seeing and meeting those who don’t live in the same region.

Kevin from Bioenno Power did a presentation on “The State of Battery Technology”


Author: af6fb

a guy with a computer, a radio, and a camera

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